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Gay men still can’t donate blood following FDA panel decision

Back when the AIDS crisis was first becoming a major public issue, gay and bisexual men who had had sex with another man since 1977 were prohibited from donating blood. Now, 32 years later, they still can’t donate, despite the fact that modern HIV screening processes are so advanced. The Food and Drug Administration’s 17-member Blood […]

Could a manicure put you at risk for HIV?

Today is World AIDS Day, and many people are focused on awareness and support. Unfortunately, a story about a 22-year-old Brazilian woman is shaking up our idea of how the virus can be contracted and spread. She was recently diagnosed with HIV, and it looks like she was infected by sharing unsterilized manicure equipment with […]

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MedCity Influencers

Troubled state budgets unable to meet the AIDS crisis

Yesterday, the Illinois Lottery Commission and the state’s Department of Public Health announced the rebirth of “Red Ribbon Cash,” an instant game lottery, which will raise an estimated $1 million for local HIV prevention services. This story illustrates one of the many strategies to offset the states’ shrinking budgets for fiscal year 2013. HIV prevention […]